Finally, you have joined a new college. You don’t like your college. You make a group of six friends and you started to love your college life. Huh? Who, am I kidding? I’m the person who haven’t made a group which consists maximum two people and I believe those 6 to continue for the lifetime? Oh, sorry till the college ends? Uh-no, till the first semester?

The group gradually disappeared. The people who’d call you best friend, who took notes from you, who copied your assignments, used to hangout with you are all fake. This is the end of second semester and I’m left with 3 girls(including me)

The people calling you best friends have now another so-called-BFF’S. Because, may be they didn’t enjoyed your company. Because, may be you were boring or others were more interesting than you. Absolutely no, because you trusted them, and all they wanted to do is betray your trust. Oh, you know why? Because, you are a bloody emotional human being. People with good hearts are always ignored. Heartless people are always preferred over good people.

May, be it was not your fault. Because, the people who really care about stayed. No matter if they’re just the two or one. They’re good people who trusts you and your friendship. The quality is all that matters. May be you’ve always been betrayed by everyone but never stop trusting the good ones. Because, majority are bad, that doesn’t mean the minority are also bad. The good people still exist. Trust me.

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