The Dead Heart

People have started calling you heartless, or “you’re dead from inside”. Ok, Yes may be I am. I’m 24 still single, yes that’s because I chose to be. I hate cheesy movies, cheesy romantic dialogues. In fact, I hate every cheesy romantic things and that makes me dead.

But, hey I’m not dead. I’m alive in a different world, in a different corner of my heart of which you’re unaware. Neither do I want to make you aware of it. There is one guy in that corner. But it’s murky in there, no visibility. I can’t see his face. But I do have a heart. I feel him. I love him, unaware of his identity. He pulls me back there whenever some other guy wants to pull me out.

Every night I am pulled by him in that corner. I could just feel his presence over there. I could feel his immense, selfless love. It’s just that I’m waiting for the new morning in there. It’s still murky but I feel love there. I’m waiting for the sun to rise one day and shower his bright line upon me. Caress my cheeks with his shining bright light. I’m not dead okay? My heart is alive. He has kept that alive. My heart is not available for you okay? It’s his. He’s coming. He’s trying to rise as fast as he can.

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