The Future

Why care about an uncertain future when you’ve such a lovely present. I don’t understand why do we have to care about the people the happiness that’s not gonna end up with us in future. Nothing’s going to end up forever, not even your life.

You’ve plenty of time to enjoy the present. You cannot take your present in your future. All you can take away with you is the memory of the person. May be you’re not destined to end up together but you’re definitely destined to be together now.

Don’t care about right or wrong you’re doing now. The thing which you’re doing becomes wrong the day you feel shameful after facing yourself in the mirror. Nobody else would tell you what’s wrong with you. It’s your pretty good soul who would vouch for your goodness.

So, at the end, it’s your call to live in the present and appreciate what you have or to cry over something which you could loose in future.

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