Alone and independent as well

Being alone and independent is not always heart-breaking. It makes you strong from within. And if you’re a person who builds an invisible wall around yourself to protect yourself from people it’s just like the icing on the cake.

As soon as you realize that the world is not fit for you, it is better for people like you. Because people like us suffer. You’re trapped in the ocean full of taunts, negative people, sycophants and obnoxious pricks, who would never let you go just because they love dominating over you.

And, you being the dependent emotional fool, want to stay with them. It’s better to be alone and depend on yourself for everything. Nobody can make you happy or sad until and unless you decide to.

Get a job! You can pay your own bills, you could do your own daily chores, you could treat yourself with good food, take yourself out for a date. But, for people like us there’s nobody out there. Don’t wait for anyone to take you out from this trap. It would surely take some time but till then have patience, unleash the fire within you. You need no friends, no family, neither anyone’s money nor anyone’s support.

You’re complete, you don’t need someone to complete you. The home is where you feel independent. Leave everyone and follow your dreams.

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