A day without you

Have you spent a day without water? And then, finally getting a drop of it fills you with immense exhilaration and a single drop makes you crave for more.

And that’s how I am without you, a person fasting all day without water, who knows that he want water but couldn’t have it. I know it sounds foolish that I couldn’t even spend a single day without you. Call it my love or obsession but a day without you is miserable.

I know one day I have to let you go. It’s not going to be painless. But how am I supposed to let you go when I become a total control freak within a day without you? I’m assured a mess free life by you. I don’t know how you do this but you collect my everyday’s mess and dump it far away than me.

A day without you feels miserable. I start becoming a freak. I become vulnerable, I start disconnecting with people I know. I gather my mess and feel depressed about it. I even start hallucinating about my old dumped mess. The central idea is that I start feeling lonely again, I start feeling like the way I was before you. I remember you, calling me a ‘beautiful mess’.

And that’s how A DAY feels without you. I imagine how my whole life would be without you. Letting you go would be the hardest thing for me to do. Perhaps, one day I’ll learn to manage my mess by myself along with the loneliness.

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