You gotta fight back!!

Building on the Word – Leaving the Darkness

May it be depression, bipolar, or any kind of mental issues you’re dealing with- You gotta fight back. Nobody knows or understands the pain you’re grappling with. The one thing that you should remember is that your pain is not more than others. Everybody has a suffering and agony of their own, the level of discomfort experienced by one is Incomparable of course. They burn and scream in their own pain. The darkness grows denser and denser. In such times we tend to forget the way from where we were pushed inside the darkness.

We are surrounded by the darkness so badly that we often forget that we are stronger than what we think. God made us capable enough to fight such darkness, may it be dense or light. We have the power to double our strengths according to the size of problem. The problem isn’t greater than the power you possess. Situation may occur when you want to cry and scream at the same time, the best solution in that case would be to do so. Sometimes crying and screaming helps us to fight the problems. But when crying and screaming overpowers you, it kills you like a slow poison. A person must remember that pain and agony is temporary. Yeah, the temporary might be a long temporary but what matters is it is temporary. You have to get up and fight the darkness, nobody will come to rescue you. You are your own hero. 🙂

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