Another Episode

Another episode of depression. I want to scream again, cry again, feel low again, feel sad again, feel lonely again.

But, deep down I want to be happy. The both side of my brain are battling. Every other day, I struggle to fight with the chemical imbalances of my brain. Sometimes the happy side win and most of the time, the sad part overpowers the happy part.

To, add some spices, there are many people. Family, friends, fate, world. Nobody, understands depression. But the relief is I know. If you understand and grasp the understanding of the weak part you possess, you could defeat it. Most of the people in the world are unconscious about what they’re fighting up against. The problem with the depressed people is not that they feel low every time. The issue is they have to fight the urge to feel low every day, every time. Yeah, it isn’t that they love feeling low every time. Believe me, they want to fight the urge but they are defeated by their own problems. Our problems have certain limits to their powers. Humans have been awarded with most precious gift i.e., to expand or scale down their power according to the size of their problem. It’s your choice to grow big or shrink in front of your problems.

Sometimes the positive things are the most harmful for us. For instance, Instagram, it shows everything positive. Positive people, their positive happy life. Well, it’s not quiet the same what we see. It’s just that we don’t know the negative part of their life. The only positive factor pushes us to feel bad about our life. We think that nothing’s right in our life. Oh, Darling! You just don’t know what’s good about your life. There are many things which are a lot better than everyone else’s.

You just need to hold on, work hard and wait for the good days. The good days are not permanent and so are not the bad days. It will go away. Believe yourself.

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