No, Life isn’t fair to anybody

How many times a day, do you whine about your problems and have complains at the back of your mind. Do you think life is just unfair to you and fair to everyone around you? If it was the truth, there would be no sadness in the world, there would be no psychologist and healers. There’s one more question that disturbs us regarding the extent of unfairness. Yes, there are some people who must have not gone through what you are experiencing right now, but there are people who’s life is distressing and heartbreaking much more than you. So, how could you carry this hubris of being more miserable than others?

If you are seeing someone cheerful and untroubled, just calculate the amount of pain he must have gone through to bring this alluring smile to his face. If he can why couldn’t you? It’s arduous to forget about your pain, and smile at the same time. For this, you need to unfetter your mind from grief and become unassailable to any kind of unfairness and sufferings.

During, Mahabharata- Karna questioned Lord Krishna regarding how unfair life was to him. His own mother jettisoned him due to which he was raised by a chariot driver which led Karna to face discrimination from the so-called great teachers despite of being worthy and intelligent than everyone else. He was humiliated by Draupadi in front of everyone. He innocently, helped a child who split the ghee on earth and karna extracted it from the earth causing pain to Goddess earth which led him to unwillingly take the wrath and curse of Goddess earth which later on, became the reason of his defeat in the war. His birth mother only told her the truth, when she wanted her other children to be spared by Karna during the Kurukshetra war. To this, Krishna simply answered that despite of being God but born as a human he had to deal with the unjustness too. He was born in a Jail waiting for the death at the door of a jail. He fought demons arriving Gokul to kill him which led the people of Gokul curse him for bringing such atrocities. Karna married the girl he loved, but Krishna never got to marry his love instead he had to marry girls whom he never loved. Krishna told Karna that even if the battle is won by Duryodhana, everyone on his side would be praised and happy. But Krsna, has to take the curse and wrath of all mothers, children’s, and wives of the men martyred in the war. He told karna that a mere feeling of unfairness and unjustness doesn’t give you the right to follow Adharma (evil).

Yes, your problems are bigger than some of the humans for sure, but remember some people have enormous problems and pain than you and they still manage to bring a smile on their face and other’s as well, so why can’t you?

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