No, Life isn’t fair to anybody

How many times a day, do you whine about your problems and have complains at the back of your mind. Do you think life is just unfair to you and fair to everyone around you? If it was the truth, there would be no sadness in the world, there would be no psychologist and healers. There’s one more question that disturbs us regarding the extent of unfairness. Yes, there are some people who must have not gone through what you are experiencing right now, but there are people who’s life is distressing and heartbreaking much more than you. So, how could you carry this hubris of being more miserable than others?

If you are seeing someone cheerful and untroubled, just calculate the amount of pain he must have gone through to bring this alluring smile to his face. If he can why couldn’t you? It’s arduous to forget about your pain, and smile at the same time. For this, you need to unfetter your mind from grief and become unassailable to any kind of unfairness and sufferings.

During, Mahabharata- Karna questioned Lord Krishna regarding how unfair life was to him. His own mother jettisoned him due to which he was raised by a chariot driver which led Karna to face discrimination from the so-called great teachers despite of being worthy and intelligent than everyone else. He was humiliated by Draupadi in front of everyone. He innocently, helped a child who split the ghee on earth and karna extracted it from the earth causing pain to Goddess earth which led him to unwillingly take the wrath and curse of Goddess earth which later on, became the reason of his defeat in the war. His birth mother only told her the truth, when she wanted her other children to be spared by Karna during the Kurukshetra war. To this, Krishna simply answered that despite of being God but born as a human he had to deal with the unjustness too. He was born in a Jail waiting for the death at the door of a jail. He fought demons arriving Gokul to kill him which led the people of Gokul curse him for bringing such atrocities. Karna married the girl he loved, but Krishna never got to marry his love instead he had to marry girls whom he never loved. Krishna told Karna that even if the battle is won by Duryodhana, everyone on his side would be praised and happy. But Krsna, has to take the curse and wrath of all mothers, children’s, and wives of the men martyred in the war. He told karna that a mere feeling of unfairness and unjustness doesn’t give you the right to follow Adharma (evil).

Yes, your problems are bigger than some of the humans for sure, but remember some people have enormous problems and pain than you and they still manage to bring a smile on their face and other’s as well, so why can’t you?

The birthday cake

Homemade Vanilla Cake {Vanilla Birthday Cake} - Wild Wild Whisk

We all must’ve celebrated our birthday in different ways. Friends, families, relatives gather around, celebrate the birthday of their loved one. The new trend is uploading a picture of your friend/family to a social media site and telling the world how important that person is he/she in your life. And the most important thing is the birthday cake. I have been to many parties, people have different ways of celebrating the birthdays of their loved ones. But the birthday cake is the special thing to do for a loved one. The big box does not just contain the cake, it is filled with happiness, celebrations, iced with the cream of love, topped with the warmth of your relationship and packed inside a box which protects you from the outer harm. The sweetness of the cake, makes the relationship even sweeter with the person who brought the cake.

As, I grew up, people moved on, friends changed. Well, they hardly remember my birthday as I hate to remind them through Facebook i.e, I turned off my birthday notification. Well, everything has stopped bothering me now except for the fact that I have got no close people who could even bring a pastry for me on my birthday. I see people eating enjoying partying. I am not saying I want all those surprise birthday parties (never have I got a surprise, nor do I want to). I dream of a small cake.. Yeah just a cake! 🙂

Forgetting and Forgiving- The hardest chapter of Life

Whether to leave or let go, forget or forgive, love or hate, these are some of the important part of our life. Holding on could be painful, but it is also something that teaches us to let go of something/someone after a certain time. People are usually unsure about the right time to let go. But there shouldn’t be mayhem regarding that. When you’re buried deep underneath your pain, when you break all the barriers of pain, when your heart loses the ability to endure the same pain again and again, that’s the time when you know that letting go is the best thing to do.

Letting go, forgetting, forgiving-it’s all your choice. Neither of them is a piece of cake, you have to go through a lot, tumultuous emotions run down your heart. When god created the human body, he also created a beautiful thing called healing. Things heal, whether it’s physical or emotional. Letting go is not something you purchase, you gain it you earn it, gradually and eventually.

Another Episode

Another episode of depression. I want to scream again, cry again, feel low again, feel sad again, feel lonely again.

But, deep down I want to be happy. The both side of my brain are battling. Every other day, I struggle to fight with the chemical imbalances of my brain. Sometimes the happy side win and most of the time, the sad part overpowers the happy part.

To, add some spices, there are many people. Family, friends, fate, world. Nobody, understands depression. But the relief is I know. If you understand and grasp the understanding of the weak part you possess, you could defeat it. Most of the people in the world are unconscious about what they’re fighting up against. The problem with the depressed people is not that they feel low every time. The issue is they have to fight the urge to feel low every day, every time. Yeah, it isn’t that they love feeling low every time. Believe me, they want to fight the urge but they are defeated by their own problems. Our problems have certain limits to their powers. Humans have been awarded with most precious gift i.e., to expand or scale down their power according to the size of their problem. It’s your choice to grow big or shrink in front of your problems.

Sometimes the positive things are the most harmful for us. For instance, Instagram, it shows everything positive. Positive people, their positive happy life. Well, it’s not quiet the same what we see. It’s just that we don’t know the negative part of their life. The only positive factor pushes us to feel bad about our life. We think that nothing’s right in our life. Oh, Darling! You just don’t know what’s good about your life. There are many things which are a lot better than everyone else’s.

You just need to hold on, work hard and wait for the good days. The good days are not permanent and so are not the bad days. It will go away. Believe yourself.

You gotta fight back!!

Building on the Word – Leaving the Darkness

May it be depression, bipolar, or any kind of mental issues you’re dealing with- You gotta fight back. Nobody knows or understands the pain you’re grappling with. The one thing that you should remember is that your pain is not more than others. Everybody has a suffering and agony of their own, the level of discomfort experienced by one is Incomparable of course. They burn and scream in their own pain. The darkness grows denser and denser. In such times we tend to forget the way from where we were pushed inside the darkness.

We are surrounded by the darkness so badly that we often forget that we are stronger than what we think. God made us capable enough to fight such darkness, may it be dense or light. We have the power to double our strengths according to the size of problem. The problem isn’t greater than the power you possess. Situation may occur when you want to cry and scream at the same time, the best solution in that case would be to do so. Sometimes crying and screaming helps us to fight the problems. But when crying and screaming overpowers you, it kills you like a slow poison. A person must remember that pain and agony is temporary. Yeah, the temporary might be a long temporary but what matters is it is temporary. You have to get up and fight the darkness, nobody will come to rescue you. You are your own hero. 🙂


I really want to Thank the person who invented painkillers. It takes away all your pain. All your life you search for a single person who would take away all your pain, but the painkillers works best than people.

But, there’s just one complaint. Why aren’t there any painkillers for heartache? There should be painkillers for your mind, for your soul, for your mind. We often pray, beg in front of God and some close people to do something to take the pain away. We show them our weakness. They take advantage of someone’s pain and use for their own good. And that is why some people love to suffer and die alone than sharing their problems.

Not everyone is same. I hope there’s some humanity left. I hope someone who’s suffering from immense pain may invent a capsule that would take away one’s pain.


8 Signs You're an Introvert

The Indian society is not aware of the term “INTROVERT” . All they know is the word “SHY” which they equate it with dumbness. How could an introvert possibly be dumb? As we grow up, we’re being told to speak up, to mix up, to make new friends. We hear complains from our teachers and parents that she/he doesn’t speak much. The introversion is seen as something which is defective/ harmful to your personality.

How is quietness seen as a defect? Are the introverts not confident? Are the introverts dumb in studies? Being introvert is a choice and not some disease. Introverts love their space and time. They don’t have much friends. They feel energetic when they spend their me-time. They’re beautiful and talented in their own way. Being away from crowd makes them happy. Sitting alone gives them a different kind of peace.

But some people surely doesn’t like sitting alone and minding their own business. Pestering an introvert continuously to speak and mix up with society isn’t a cure for the so called disease introversion. People have to understand, we love being quiet and doesn’t like mixing up. Respecting someone’s privacy and understanding their nature is the biggest thing that a society could do instead of poking and pinching an introvert to do anything against their will.

Life is not always what you think of it.

You think you’ve made your life such a beautiful place for you to live there. You think you’ve conquered every enemies, every problem of your life. And then, my friend is the time when life hits you hard in your face. Life’s a little bitch, which can never be according to what you make it.

Everyone has their own problems. Or, if you’re thinking their instagram pictures are way cooler than your’s no, It’s not. It’s the stupidity and show off which is at much higher level than your’s. Instagram is not the proof of happiness. It is the proof of memories. You’d never know what emotions are hidden behind those pictures. It could be good or it could be worst.

It’s the urge to be happy that brings you out of your sadness. You can’t be happy/sad for too long. Being sad for too long creates an urge for happiness, and sometimes being too happy is not good either. Life’s the mixture of both.

Life is not always what you think of it. So, the problem is to stay happy or sad?. The solution is simple.. Be neutral about it. If you’re happy, prepare yourself for the worst. And if you’re sad for too long, just hold on to yourself. Life’s a bitch but not unfair, you have the right to be happy. The happiness will come. You just have to hold on and not let your sadness conquer you.

You just don’t know for how long you’re gonna be sad/happy.

Home is the best place to stay

Home is the best place to stay, only if you know how to stay inside it. Among, the coronavirus pandemic most of the people are becoming restless as they can’t step out of their house. Well, this blog is for those extroverts who feel like a trapped parrot inside a cage.

For introverts, people like us..knows how to enjoy the ME-TIME. The best feeling for us is when our bare foot touches the earth of our home, it’s the happiest moment-

when you sit down on floor and mama brings you, your favorite ginger tea along with snacks. Don’t you feel relaxed while watching the droplets of rains falling over the glass window? Isn’t this the heaven for y’all?-

Well, remember the time..when you went out for long time and started feeling home sick? Now, be thankful to god that you’re inside your home in your pyjamas feeling comfy enjoying the peaceful music inside your blanket.

Now, just imagine the people working for us among this corona virus pandemic. They’re far away from their home, their children. their family, their own bed, their own comfort. So feel thankful that at least you’re inside your home.

And that’s why home is the best place to stay only if you know how to stay inside it.

It hurts..

Yes, loneliness hurts. The pain of being alone all your life never goes away. It keeps you alive in the hope that one day you’d get rid of this feeling but this pain never leaves you. It marks a deep cut in your heart that not even an ointment could heal it away.

The person who felt this pain knows very well how it consumes you gradually. And, I bet that no one can take this feeling away from you. No matter how hard you try to fight this feeling, you distract yourself by finding a bunch of people. But, the group of people makes you feel even more alone.

The heart becomes hollow. You see people walk away from your life, yet you’ll never call them back. Inside your heart you’ll shout, you’ll cry, you’ll beg them to come back but those words would never come to your lips. That’s how loneliness is.

Betrayal is the root of loneliness. Betrayal by many people tears your soul apart. All you can do is hold on. Hold on, try to fight, suffer, shout, and weep over silly people are the feelings that you deal with in your daily life.

That’s how it feels. It hurts.